Energy Units

Energy Units provide safe point distribution of all service lines and fixtures to be used in Side and Center island benches, with models designed with different features. It is applied to the workbenches.

Undoubtedly, one of the most important criteria in the laboratory is to ensure the safe distribution and use of the services to be used. In this sense, our energy units have been designed with the standards and features accepted by the whole world. It is produced in two different models. Apart from that, if there will only be electricity and sockets on the counters, in these cases, even a Cable Channel to be placed on the counter may be sufficient. Now let's examine these models separately.

Media cell Type Energy units generally consist of two parts:
• Service Columns
• Service Units
. It has different models in itself according to the bench heights, ceiling heights, service main lines coming from the ground or ceiling.

Panel Type Energy units generally consist of two parts as
• Service Columns
• Service Units
. It has different models in itself according to the bench heights, ceiling heights, service main lines coming from the ground or ceiling.
